Wow Strategy

Work with WoW to create thriving communities, organisations, and workplaces.

Why well-being?

A compelling body of international evidence links our happiness with longer and more fullfilling lives, better mental and physical health, stronger relationships and a range of other psychological, social and economic benefits. The team behind the Wheel of Well-being have developed an approach that moves away from mental ill health, towards a focus on positive mental health and wellbeing as something that will benefit all; staff, communities and organisations.

The Wheel of Well-being

The wheel of well-being (WoW) has been developed over 8 years with communities and organisations to shape new ways to improve well-being. WoW is based on 6 universal aspects of well-being: body, mind, spirit, people, place, planet and incorporates the Five Ways of Wellbeing. WoW is made accessible through a unique, colourful brand and visual style which engages people around the subject of living happier lives.

We help you spread the word around well-being through:

  • One-day WoW taster workshop; introducing practical, creative ways to improve well-being
  • Free brand resources; logo, colour scheme, icons and web and print communication materials to promote well-being
  • Free digital resources; including tips to test, locality-specific places to visit and activities to try; alongside a personalised tracker to log achievements

We create well-being pioneers and champions through:

  • The 8-week DIY Happiness programme; combining theory and practice to build a deep knowledge-base around wellbeing with participants.
  • Bespoke programmes; tailored support around organisational priorities, staff requirements and community need.

We support you to sustain well-being in the long term through:

Ways we can WoW your community, staff, or organisation

To use social marketing to spread a well-being programme

What tools will effectively engage a county wide community?

The Mental Well-being Programme was one of the first prevention strategies of its kind amongst local authorities, it was unique both in the level of investment the programme received and the scope and depth of the evaluation that was completed.

To ensure work reinforces good mental health

How can we support staff to flourish in the workplace?

We spend one third of our lives, and half of our waking hours at work. The psychological effects of increasing demands, larger and more complex workloads, and less control over their work, is taking its toll on staff well-being. Systemic improvement within an organisation takes time, but tackling well-being challenges at three distinct levels: individual, team and structural lays the foundations for long-term change.

Developing a statewide mental well-being strategy

How do you engage a range of organisations in a mental health promotion agenda?

Australia recognises that good mental health and well-being supports improved social, educational, and economic outcomes. Through their ten year strategy, Queensland's goal was to create a population with improved mental health and well-being, using a human centred, long-term strategy of active engagement.

Training a mental health champion

How can you ignite interest in well-being with a wider group?

The ongoing challenge is how to reach the young people in an effective way. Time is a precious resource in schools and teachers are under so much pressure that they don’t necessarily have the availability and head-space to buy into the concept.

A county wide approach to mental well-being

What should a county wide approach to foster positive mental health amongst the general public look like?

Through Wheel of Well-being training, the Surrey team have created a ripple effect, expanding the reach of the programme and the Wheel of Well-being, having impact across Surrey’s most deprived communities.

Building thriving and resilient communities

How can we improve the well-being of a community?

It is both nationally and locally recognised that we need to be investing in prevention and the long-term resilience of a community. Rather than focusing on the individual in isolation, a community approach brings groups of people together to develop mutual coping mechanisms and social networks, building both individual and community level well-being resources.